The program aims at the effective and inclusive local implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Tanzania with adherence to the principles of Human Rights and Gender Equality. UNA Tanzania has been playing a leading role in terms of campaigning for Sustainable Development Goals awareness, implementation and stakeholders’ engagement. In partnership with UNA Sweden, the program has been carried out in over ten regions in the country through capacity building, education, advocacy, and lobbying activities to increase stakeholders’ influence and participation in implementing 2030 Agenda.
UNA TANZANIA believes that Youth rights to access, control and own productive resources individually and collectively needs to be reinforced by policy, practice, and enabling environments. The organization advocates for improved structural, institutional and socio–cultural and creates an enabling environment for youth their goals and achieves their economic needs. UNA Tanzania through its livelihood component challenged through economic and legislative reforms intended to recognize that youth have economic rights which entitles them to share and own not only the products of their labor but also to have control over decisions intended to transform them economically. Through the processes UNA Tanzania works on Economic, financial, labor and agricultural policies, laws and regulations implementation to enable youth not only access but also own and control economic resources and attainment of economic justice. UNA recognizes that to achieve economic and national development youth need contribute 3% of the economic growth after every 5 years.
This is a 10-country program designed to monitor the implementation of the SDGs in Africa through citizen-generated data. Citizens Report leverages citizens’ voices through reliable data to strengthen national and regional review processes of the SDGs, and to facilitate policy change. The program also promotes citizen engagement, particularly focusing on youth and women, to ensure that SDGs implementation is inclusive and leaves no one behind. UNA Tanzania is working with the African Monitor (AM) to implement this program.
UNA Tanzania has reached five thousand people (3450 females and 1550 males) in Coastal region where the program was implemented through citizen hearings which entails a citizen’s sharing their lived experiences in their own words, with aim of ensuring that ordinary people’s voices, realities, and experiences are expressed and documented.
The Right(s) Way forward is developed to be a community based participatory tool that aims at empowering community members to analyze the community’s environmental degradation, gender inequalities, their use of and control over natural resources and to advocate for their rights. The tool is emphasizing community ownership of the process and creating a space for dialogue between rights holders and duty bearers to address the community’s concerns in a collaborative manner.
UNA Tanzania has reached ten thousand people (6850 females and 3150 males) in Pemba Island where the program was implemented through community dialogues, training, various meetings, and seminars.