

Through SDGs Program, whose one of the objectives aim to integrate the SDGs in all policies and implementation of the National Development Plans, our Program Officer participated in the Opportunities & Obstacles (O & OD) Training . The improved O & OD Approach is a methodology to build and sustain collaborative relationships between Local Government Authorities and communities for better service delivery and local development by empowering communities and promoting community initiatives.

UNA Tanzania had an opportunity to train on how the O & OD approach can be used to contribute to the implementation, monitoring and review  of the Sustainable Development Goals at local levels in Tanzania by promoting citizens engagement including the vulnerable and marginalized groups such as youth, women and people with disabilities, leverages citizens’ voices through reliable data to strengthen national and regional review processes of the SDGs and facilitates policy change and contributes to evidence based policies.

The main objective of the training was to strengthen Local Governance Working Group (LGWG) members’ capacity on the improved O & OD Approach which was introduced in October, 2019. 

The  training was held in Dodoma in September 2020, convened by Policy Forum (A CSOs network) to  which UNA Tanzania is a member under the Local Governance Working Group (LGWG). The training was conducted by the Local Government Training Institute (LGTI) in collaboration with the President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG).


Marking the 75th year of the UN, and 5 years of the Sustainable Goals, This September –   millions of people across the world took action together while world leaders meet (virtually) at the UN General Assembly, to make this a turning point for people and the planet. This was a global call to people and organizations everywhere to take action for the Sustainable Development Goals

At UNA Tanzania, partnering with our youth wing YUNA Tanzania, 0n 19th September 2020, we used this once in time opportunity to engage with the society online through an educative  platform online known as Elimika Wikiendi, highlighting what as an organization has achieved in the previous 5 years of the SDGs, aspiration and a call to more action, commitment and ambition for the next 10 years of the delivery of the goals.

The Online engagement met more than 1 million social media users, while also engaging with SDG champions, giving their experience and of what impact they have been in ensuring the SDGs are known to the society.

Deep Diving in the Tanzania Youth Manifesto (2020-2025)

Tanzania is a young nation with more than 50% of its population aged below 35. While acknowledging that youth are significant assets for Tanzania’s attainment of Tanzania development Vision (Vision 2025), the National Youth Development Policy recognizes the importance of preparing them as leaders and partners to drive the force, and to play a vital role in the socio-economic transformation of the nation.

 The Vision 2025 can be realized if Tanzanians (including youth) capitalize on their strengths, engage the appropriate driving forces for development, and effectively avoid the impediments, which have held back their development.

The panelists of the session gave insights on the following:

  • How the government, private sectors and institutions addresses young people’s impediments in its diversity.
  • How and if Tanzania youth are given enough spaces and capacity to contribute and deliver to the development priorities set in the Vision 2025.
  • What can be done to unleash young people’s potential towards achieving inclusive development in Tanzania.

Our Secretary General, Reynald Maeda who is also the co-chair of the CSOs working group (East African Region) for the African Regional Forum for Sustainable Development stressed that youth have available opportunities that we need to take and work on them for a sustainable future:

  • The National Youth Development Policy 2007 Review
  • The Coming Five Year Development Plan III (2020/21 – 2024/25)
  • The Sustainable Development Goals 2030.


During the launch of the ‘Agenda ya Vijana’, for 3 consecutive days, UNA Tanzania facilitated the attendance and supported capacity strengthening sessions, 124 young aspirants from 7 major political parties CCM,CHADEMA,NCCR Mageuzi, ACT Wazalendo, TLP, CUF, ADC from  8 different regions in Tanzania.

As 2020, marks the General Election Year in Tanzania it was encouraging to see a big wave of young people stepping forward and taking different positions in their respective parties.

The Capacity Strengthening was based on the following topics:

  1. Motivation to Become a Political Leader/ Elected Representative
  2. Political System and Electoral System in TZ
  3. Integrating SDGs in Decision Making
  4. Networking, Social Capital & Stakeholder Relations
  5. Election Strategy and Communication Skills
  6. Political Strategies and Techniques for Campaigning
  7. Gender in Elections
  8. Techniques on fundraising for campaigns

With the training of this group, we believe they are the future decision makers, policy makers, government officials that will find importance in sustainability and the development of young people in leadership and decision making but also working in line with the aspirations to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.

Here’s a link to the Tanzania Youth Manifesto 2020/2025 (Click here)

“Ajenda ya Vijana” Tanzania Youth Manifesto 2020/2025 Launching

Partnering with 12 other youth leading and serving organizations who work in different sectors of development, on the August 17, 2020 we launched a Tanzanian Youth Manifesto a voice from over 2209 online consultations from 30 regions in Tanzania. The main priority for the manifesto is being:

  • Youth and Education: Education for all
  • Youth and Health: Our Health Matters
  • Youth and Livelihood: Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
  • Youth and Leadership: Include us!
  • Youth and Information: Give us access!

A group of 350 young people came together from different backgrounds and regions in Tanzania, young women and people with disabilities inclusive to be part, to learn and understand the Manifesto and the Young people’s position and opportunities to the next Five Year Development Plan III.

Not only was it the launching but also an opportunity for young people provided with capacity building for intense 3 days training based on their field of interest and work;

  1. Youth Candidates and Aspirants
  2. Voter’s Education & Election Observation
  3. Young Reporters
  4. Youth CSOs & Youth Influencers

We believe that by bringing together the young candidates, journalists, influencers, CSOs, the government and developing partners will give us the advocacy tools we need to fuel our agenda for the next 5 years.