
Youth Symposium: Youth Roles In Sexual Reproductive Health and Ending Intimate Partner Violence

On Saturday 30th of April 2022 The United Nations Association of Tanzania joined hands the Youth of United Nations Association of Tanzania for a thrilling youth symposium with the theme YOUTH ROLES IN SEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND ENDING INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE a pre-event towards Tanzania International Model United Nations (TIMUN 2022 ) at the National Museum, Posta. The symposium was attended by 584 young people with the intention of providing information and understanding on sexual reproductive health and rights. To evaluate the challenges and solutions of addressing Intimate partner violence. To raise awareness on the national and International commitments that Tanzania abides with on sexual reproductive health and rights. As well as utilize the space to foster conversations on the importance of youth participation and engagement in policy processes in order to stimulate youth desired change.

The symposium included presentations from guest speakers and a panel discussion. The presentations were from Tausi Hassan, Program analyst – youth development at UNFPA Tanzania and Catherine Fidelis, Program assistant – Education for health and well being at UNESCO Tanzania. Aside from that, there was a panel discussion which was moderated by Ms. Frida Muslimu, Youth Advisory Panel ( YAP ) member at UNFP Tanzania included panelists with rich experience in different components of sexual reproductive health and rights. They were Salha Azizi- Founder of Binti Salha Foundation and SRHR consultant speaking on intimate partner violence, Shedrack Msuya- Founder Salama Foundation and Content Developer at Infolife Tanzania reflecting on age appropriate comprehensive sexuality education, Ummilkher Yassin- President TIMUN 2021 and SRHR Advocate articulating friendly sexual reproductive health services to youth, Catherine Madebe- Program Lead Mulika Tanzania revealing the national and International commitments that Tanzania abides with on sexual reproductive health and rights and Lucas Kifyasi- Head of Programs UNA Tanzania expressed on youth participation on policy processes.

In the first presentation Tausi Hassani gave a situational analysis on youth and adolescents sexual health in the country. It showcased important statistics such as teenage pregnancy (age 15-19) is at 27% (8% in ZNZ), HIV prevalence among youth (age 15-24) is at 1.4% and GBV: Adolescent  girls experience of sexual violence by age 15 is at 4% while the total percentage of young people (aged 10-24) in the country is at 33% and adolescents aged 10-19 years is at 23%. All these are out of the 2018 NBS projections from the 2012 national census. She went on to put greater emphasis on how accurate SRHR information to adolescents and youth would alleviate the situation. She said, “Education and proper information of sexual reproductive health should be accepted by the society and made accessible to youth”. Furthermore she encouraged youth to seek SRHR education.

Ms. Catherine Fidelis, who was among the guest speakers, conveyed the second presentation on the issues concerning intimate partner violence particularly to higher learning students in Tanzania . She noted that “acts of violence  are end results but they actually begin from the mind and in addressing  the issue, among other things we need to create interventions that deal with attitude and mindset change”.

An interesting panel discussion proceeded the presentations diving more deeper on the components of SRHR. Mrs. Salha Azizi spoke about the solution to Tanzania’s Intimate Partner Violence problem and its root causes. Poverty and economic dependency are two of the reasons of violence, according to her. “Youths in relationships should keep an open eye to symptoms of violence, such as a dominating partner, and if they are faced with any physical or psychological violence, they should come out and report to the responsible authority,” she strongly advised the young. Followed on the floor was about Shedrack Msuya, he highlighted Tanzania’s comprehensive sexuality education scenario as well as a few challenges. He added that the government and civic society are working to provide sexual education to teenagers and adolescents, but that the process is complicated by ideological differences in cultures and religion. Another important aspect discussed was friendly sexual reproductive health services, Ms. Ummilkher Yassin presented a review of the country’s youth-friendly sexual health-care conditions, stating that “youth sexual health-care services should be welcoming,administered with less judgment by the health care workers, and confidential to allow youths to feel more comfortable accessing them”. She also recommended the youngsters to seek health services regardless of the present challenges but also to participate in local government health meetings for the sake of suggesting ways to make youth health services more pleasant. Ms. Catherine Madebe spoke on the country’s strategic commitments. She went on to say that since 2018, the government and civil society have been working hard to develop a health strategy for youth that addresses concerns such as providing a safe environment for adolescents to access SRHR while also providing guidelines to non-governmental groups providing SRHR education. Last but not least on the panel was Mr. Lucas Kifyasi Focused on youth participation in decision-making in youth health initiatives. He explained, “No one should decide on the youngsters, it is up to youths to be confident enough to utilize local decision making bodies to express their voice on youth’ health agendas, influence policies and budget because that is where national plans begin”.

UNA Tanzania believes that good health and well being is crucial for the prosperity of the lives of young people and sexual health is not to be ignored. It starts with providing access to accurate information that will allow young people to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Henceforth we support the creation of an environment that enables young people to obtain such information like symposiums for youth by the youth.


The Speech of The United Nations’ Secretary General on World Environment Day

“The theme of this year’s World Environment Day, “Only One Earth”, is a simple statement of fact.

This planet is our only home.  It is vital we safeguard the health of its atmosphere, the richness and diversity of life on Earth, its ecosystems and its finite resources.  But we are failing to do so.  We are asking too much of our planet to maintain ways life that are unsustainable.  Earth’s natural systems cannot keep up with our demands. 

This not only hurts the Earth, but us too.  A healthy environment is essential for all people and all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.  It provides food, clean water, medicines, climate regulation and protection from extreme weather events.  It is essential that we wisely manage nature and ensure equitable access to its services, especially for the most vulnerable people and communities.

More than 3 billion people are affected by degraded ecosystems.  Pollution is responsible for some 9 million premature deaths each year.  More than 1 million plant and animal species risk extinction, many within decades.

Close to half of humanity is already in the climate danger zone – 15 times more likely to die from climate impacts such as extreme heat, floods and drought.  There is a 50:50 chance that annual average global temperatures will breach the Paris Agreement limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next five years.  More than 200 million people each year could be displaced by climate disruption by 2050.

Fifty years ago, the world’s leaders came together at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and committed to protecting the planet.  But we are far from succeeding.  We can no longer ignore the alarm bells that ring louder every day.

The recent Stockholm+50 environment meeting reiterated that all 17 Sustainable Development Goals rely on a healthy planet.  We must all take r responsibility to avert the catastrophe being wrought by the triple crises of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.

Governments need urgently to prioritize climate action and environmental protection through policy decisions that promote sustainable progress.  To that end, I have proposed five concrete recommendations to dramatically speed up the deployment of renewable energy everywhere, including making renewable technologies and raw materials available to all, cutting red tape, shifting subsidies and tripling investment.

Businesses need to put sustainability at the heart of their decision-making for the sake of humanity and their own bottom line.  A healthy planet is the backbone of nearly every industry on Earth.

And as voters and consumers we must make our actions count: from the policies we support, to the food we eat, to the transport we choose, to the companies we support.  We can all make environmentally friendly choices that will add up to the change we need.

Women and girls, in particular, can be forceful agents of change.  They must be empowered and included in decision-making at all levels.  Likewise, indigenous and traditional knowledge must also be respected and harnessed to help protect our fragile ecosystems.

History has shown what can be achieved when we work together and put the planet first.  In the 1980s, when scientists warned about a deadly continent-sized hole in the ozone layer, every country committed to the Montreal Protocol to phase out ozone-depleting chemicals. 

In the 1990s, the Basel Convention outlawed the dumping of toxic waste in developing countries.  And, last year, a multilateral effort ended the production of leaded petrol – a move that will promote better health and prevent more than 1.2 million premature deaths each year.

This year and the next will present more opportunities for the global community to demonstrate the power of multilateralism to tackle our intertwined environmental crises, from negotiations on a new global biodiversity framework to reverse nature loss by 2030 to the establishment of a treaty to tackle plastics pollution.

The United Nations is committed to leading these cooperative global efforts, because the only way forward is to work with nature, not against it.  Together we can ensure that our planet not only survives, but thrives, because we have Only One earth”.

Consultancy Opportunity


The United Nations Association of Tanzania is one of the oldest Civil Society Organizations in the country registered in 1964. It’s office is located in Mikocheni street, Mikocheni B, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. The organization is entirely devoted to supporting the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, promoting public awareness and understanding of the activities of the United Nations and its agencies. Moreover, it strives for the recognition of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout Tanzania and the World.

Our Mission is to Mobilize for action, promote inclusiveness, enhance accountability and to ensure that no one is left behind in the implementation and achievement of SDGs in Tanzania. A just Tanzania society where no one is left behind.

UNA Tanzania is seeking for a consultant to conduct a comprehensive review on the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act No.6/2008



  • Document gaps that exist in the act compared to the current context.
  • Prepare 10 slides presentation of the identified gaps.
  • Facilitate presentation of the findings during stakeholders’ consultation.


You are required to submit a total of 3 pages for the application which includes a proposal and a budget each at one page to



The Climate Talk Event

On 24th February UNA Tanzania in partnership with The Embassy of Netherlands in Tanzania and HIVOS conducted a climate talk titled “TAKE CHARGE OF OUR FUTURE: YOUNG ACTIVISTS IN TIMES OF CLIMATE CHANGE” which happened at Alliance Francaise Dar es salaam. The event gathered around 150 participants which included secondary school students, University students and young people out of academic institutions who are enthusiastic about climate change. The aim was to showcase young people who are taking charge to tackle climate change and use that as an inspiration for others to trickle down practices and habits of conserving the environment. Also to issue a wake-up call to governments and international organizations to escalate their commitment to climate change.

It was a powerful storytelling event that spotlighted 6 Tanzanian youth climate change activists who shared their stories and ideas about the climate crisis. Their backgrounds are different, from a  Tanzanian independent photographer with a specific interest in SDGs: Imani Nsamila, a youth-led non-governmental organization (ICCAO Tanzania) founder: Zahra Saleh, an environmental activist, humanitarian and educationist working in different conservation initiatives Shamim Nyanda, a member of UNFPA youth Advisory Panel and founder of Mtoto Smart initiative Tanzania: Gertrude Clement, an SDGs champion, the National Treasurer at YUNA and the Coastal Zone Coordinator at Activista Tanzania: Ally Mwamzola as well as one of the leading Tanzanian artists and regreening ambassador: Ben Pol. Even though they are all different they possess one thing in common: a passion for the environment and a strong desire to leave the earth and Tanzania in good shape for the next generations. They conveyed powerful personal stories on their fight against the adverse effects of climate change, each one using their own means starting from their immediate environment until some of them managed to gain global recognition and reach global platforms such as the COP 26 and the Paris Agreement signing ceremony in 2016.

The event was graced by The Netherlands Ambassador to Tanzania Mr Wiebe De Boer as the Guest Of Honor. On emphasizing the crucial role that young people play to tackle the climate nightmare, In his speech the Honorable Ambassador said, “ We the Netherlands believe that you, the young generation, play a pivotal role in finding solutions towards combating climate change and also very important, adopting to it”.

The United Nations Association of Tanzania on ensuring meaningful youth participation in climate action, foster meaningful youth engagement by creating spaces for them to take part in climate change dialogues in order to enable them to air out their views plus suggest solutions. Furthermore, we ensure that they are involved in community-led actions towards combating the negative effects of climate change.

Join Our UNA Team



The Tanzania National CSOs Platform for Sustainable Development was founded in April 2015 following a multi stakeholder’s workshop on the transition from MDGs to SDGs held by the United Nations Association of Tanzania in partnership with Africa Philanthropic Foundation.

One of the key outcomes of the workshop was the recommendation to establish a civil society platform to facilitate the coordination of civil society organizations in Tanzania on sustainable development issues, and offer a platform for engagement with the government, United Nations, and other development partners and stakeholders. United Nations Association of Tanzania and Africa Philanthropic Foundation co-convened the established of the platform.

The Platform is part of the National Coordination Mechanism for Sustainable Development which is established by the Ministry of Finance and Planning. Under this role the platform has coordinated CSOs reporting in the National Voluntary Reviews and contributed to the Country report as well as coordinated CSOs contribution to the Five Years Development Plan in 2020.

The platform is voluntary and open platform for civil society organizations in Tanzania to come together, self-organize and self-coordinate to ensure their meaningful participation and contribution towards the implementation, follow-up and monitoring of Sustainable Development in Tanzania. The platform is part of the Africa Civil Society Working Group (AWG) –

Members of Tanzania National CSOs Platform on Sustainable Development comprise of diverse civil society organizations from grassroots organizations to international nongovernmental organizations and representing different constituencies seeking to contribute meaningfully towards the implementation and follow-up and review of sustainable development in Tanzania.

The platform seeks to document civil society organizations’ contributions in the implementation, follow up and monitoring of Sustainable Development in Tanzania, facilitate the sharing of knowledge, experiences, best practices and innovations emerging from civil society organizations, leverage on  available resources in civil society (both financial and non-financial), and facilitate partnerships to minimize unnecessary duplications.

The platform focuses on both Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063, and seeks to contribute towards the joint implementation, follow-up and monitoring of Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063, while ensuring that the marginalized groups, the furthest, and the poorest of the poor are fully engaged and play an active role in the implementation, and follow-up and review.


1. Project Coordinator –  Tanzania Sustainable Development Platform:

  • Terms: 18 months with the possibility of renewal

Education: Bachelor’s degree in relevant fields, a Master’s Degree is an added advantage

Required Skills:

  • Working knowledge of Sustainable Development
  • Resource mobilization
  • Stakeholders’ coordination
  • Reporting
  • Effective Communication
  • Networking and partnership management
  • Strategic advocacy
  • Team working

Key Responsibilities:

  • To coordinate all activities of the Tanzania Sustainable Development Platform through
  • Form new partnerships to further the work of the TSDP/
  • Conduct capacity development to the members of the TSDP
  • Coordinate members of the TSDP to produce annual CSOs SDGs progress report
  • Fundraise for activities of the platform
  • Producing information packages and position statements on different Sustainable Development Processes at Global, Regional and National Levels
  • Report to the co-conveners and partners
  • Develop a member engagement strategy and annual workplan for the platform
  • Frequent communication with the members of the platform
  • Overseeing the production of the Platform’s newsletter highlighting members SDGs interventions
  • Collaborate with SDGs focal points with the co-conveners and partners to implement activities
  • Support SDGs related work in partners organizations and co-conveners
  • Any other responsibilities assigned

Experience: At least two years, and passion for sustainable development.


2. Assistant Project Officer – Sustainable Development Platform stakeholders’ engagement

Key Qualifications and Skills:

  • Education: Bachelor Degree in relevant field

Required Skills:

  • Understanding of Sustainable Development
  • Stakeholders’ coordination
  • Reporting
  • Digital Communication
  • Networking
  • Strategic advocacy
  • Team work
  • Word Press website management

Key Responsibilities:

  • Management of communication channels including social media and website
  • Member engagement
  • Producing and disseminating newsletters
  • Ensuring that members are informed about current sustainable development processes
  • Documenting members initiatives contributing to implementation of SDGs
  • Assisting the coordinator on matters relating to preparation of workshops/ events
  • Any other responsibilities assigned
Experience: At least two years, and passion for sustainable development.

3. Assistant Accountant:

Terms: 18 Months with a possibility of renewal

Key Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for supporting sustainable budgets management as per cash flow projection and in compliance with finance and procurement guidelines
  • Monitoring daily communications and answering any queries.
  • Preparing statutory accounts.
  • Maintain and manage achieving of financial documents to safe guard financial records and audit trails.
  • Ensuring payments, amounts and records are correct.
  • Working with spreadsheets, sales and purchase ledgers and journals.
  • Recording and filing cash transactions.
  • Controlling credit and chasing debt.
  • Invoice processing and filing.
  • Processing expense requests for the accountant to approve.
  • Bank reconciliation.

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • Relevant academic qualifications in accounting, financial management, commerce, economics or related field, (A degree in Finance, Business   Administration   or   commerce)   and   professional    certification in accounting would be an added advantage
  • Significant knowledge and experience of all core financial management activities including accounts payable, cash management, budget development, Statutory requirements and standard accounts
  • Proficiency in numeracy skills and good computer skills (Excel Especially, Word)
  • Ability to prioritize work issues to meet deadlines with minimal supervision and adjust to constantly changing situations while maintaining focus on delivery and follow- through
  • Good analytical and conceptual thinking skills with proven proactive approach
  • Ability to lead and motivate others, strong self-awareness and flexibility
  • Ability to work creatively, effectively and under own initiative;
  • Keen attention to details and excellent personal communication skills in written and verbal English


Experience: Two years of relevant professional experience in an NGO setting


Job Description:

4. Youth Program Officer Intern (Paid)

Term: 6 months with possibility to extend for 12 months

Age: Under 30 years old.

Education: University degree in a relevant field

Key Responsibilities:

  • To support implementing the youth-focused projects at national and local levels
  • To produce and disseminate monthly reports / info chats
  • To support the day-to-day management of youth programs
  • To assist in organizing events and activities
  • To assist in documenting activities and case studies from beneficiaries
  • Any other responsibility assigned by supervisor
  • Ensure that activity plans are developed/submitted in time
  • Draft activity reports to contribute to the quarterly and annual project reporting deliverables and flag challenges and other key concerns
  • Support drafting of interest stories, lessons learnt and share with senior management


Qualification and Skills Required: –

  • Evidence of understanding of and commitment to youth development as well as other vulnerable populations
  • Effective Communication
  • Some understanding of youth development context
  • Events Coordination
  • Reporting
  • Computer (Excel, word, powerpoint)
  • Facilitation

Personal skills and attributes:

  • Passionate for youth development and participation
  • Innovative and critical thinker
  • Ability to respond to context, gender and disability need in and out of the
*Female candidates are highly encouraged for these vacancies.