Terms of Reference
Title: Provision of Consultancy Services for Conducting Environmental Vulnerability Assessment in Mbugani, Kiegea, Kazania and Nghambi villages in Mpwapwa District-Dodoma
- Introduction United Nations Association of Tanzania (UNA Tanzania)
The United Nations Association of Tanzania is one of the oldest Civil Society Organizations in the country registered in 1964. It is located at Mikocheni B, Dar es salaam working to promote the principles and values of the United Nations (UN) in Tanzania.
UNAT works with the URT and other partners to advocate on the Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved by 2030, African Union (AU) agenda 2063 in order to make better lives of people in Tanzania without leaving no one behind. The organization is devoted to creating awareness and promoting advocacy in areas like climate change, youth, human rights, democracy, peace and security and governance.
UNA Tanzania is one of the implementers of Piloting of IAS K Regional Resilience Model in Tanzania with the main goal of enhancing the resilience capacity of Mbugani, Kiegea, Kazania and Nghambi communities through promoting sustainable management of natural resources and improved livelihoods.
The main objectives are;
- To pilot a methodology for climate resilience in Tanzania, based on the IAS Kenya Model
- To create an enabling environment and favorable conditions for communities to adopt and scale-up resilience practices
2. The assignment and timeline
To conduct an Environmental Vulnerability Assessment in Mbugani, Kiegea, Kazania and Nghambi villages in Mpwapwa District for 10 days in February 2023 (3 days of pre field work, 4 days of field work, 3 days of report writing and documentation). The assessment should identify climate hazards, location of vulnerable communities and predict risk based on natural resources, water management and livelihood.
3. Budget
The amount of Provision of Consultancy Services for Conducting Climate Resilience Research in Mpwapwa District in Dodoma Region. The Amount will be subject to 5% of withholding tax if the consultant has EFD receipt and 30% is deduction for the consultant with no EFD receipt.
4. Consultant Qualifications
The Consultant is to meet the following expectations;
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills
- Demonstrable and relevant consultant experience
- Knowledgeable on the National Climate Change framework and conducts the research in line with them
- Ability to drive critical analysis about policy, plans and legislations.
- Good knowledge of the climate issues in Tanzania and within Mpwapwa.
- Able to complete task within specified budget and timeline
- Deliverables
The following will be the expected deliverables of the Environmental vulnerability assessment report;
- Potential climate hazards that exist and pose a threat to communities.
- Sensitivity of communities; soil sensitivity, rainfall intensity and duration, water stress, food availability and dietary composition.
- Adaptive capacity; livelihood, natural resources management.
- Adaptation and resilience measures to address climate-related risks.
- Propose an environmental management plan
- UNA Tanzania’s contact person
Haika Simon, A Climate Change focal person at UNA Tanzania will be the main contact person. Kindly send your cv, scope of work and proposed budget to hsimon@una.or.tz before 17th February 2023.