During the launch of the ‘Agenda ya Vijana’, for 3 consecutive days, UNA Tanzania facilitated the attendance and supported capacity strengthening sessions, 124 young aspirants from 7 major political parties CCM,CHADEMA,NCCR Mageuzi, ACT Wazalendo, TLP, CUF, ADC from 8 different regions in Tanzania.
As 2020, marks the General Election Year in Tanzania it was encouraging to see a big wave of young people stepping forward and taking different positions in their respective parties.
The Capacity Strengthening was based on the following topics:
- Motivation to Become a Political Leader/ Elected Representative
- Political System and Electoral System in TZ
- Integrating SDGs in Decision Making
- Networking, Social Capital & Stakeholder Relations
- Election Strategy and Communication Skills
- Political Strategies and Techniques for Campaigning
- Gender in Elections
- Techniques on fundraising for campaigns
With the training of this group, we believe they are the future decision makers, policy makers, government officials that will find importance in sustainability and the development of young people in leadership and decision making but also working in line with the aspirations to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.
Here’s a link to the Tanzania Youth Manifesto 2020/2025 (Click here)